Decent: a framework for building secure distributed applications with enclaves.



  1. Decentagram: Highly-Available Decentralized Publish/Subscribe Systems
    A secure, decentralized pub/sub system for on-chain and off-chain subscribers using smart contracts and trusted execution environments.
    DSN’24   Distinguished artifact award
    Zheng, Haofan and Tran, Tuan and Shadmon, Roy and Arden, Owen
  2. Total Eclipse of the Enclave: Detecting Eclipse Attacks From Inside TEEs
    Using difficulty monitoring to reliably detect extended eclipse attacks, even when the adversary controls all network connectivity.
    ICBC’21 (short paper)
    Zheng, Haofan and Tran, Tuan and Arden, Owen
  3. Secure Distributed Applications the Decent Way
    A framework for building secure decentralized applications with trusted execution environments and remote attestation.
    Zheng, Haofan and Arden, Owen