Research Interests

I study decentralized security with a focus on using programming language theory and design to build decentralized applications that are secure by construction. My research includes both foundational and practical contributions, from developing novel, more expressive security models and formalized programming languages, to building secure decentralized systems and compilers.

Recent publications

  1. Decentagram: Highly-Available Decentralized Publish/Subscribe Systems
    A secure, decentralized pub/sub system for on-chain and off-chain subscribers using smart contracts and trusted execution environments.
    DSN’24   Distinguished artifact award
    Zheng, Haofan and Tran, Tuan and Shadmon, Roy and Arden, Owen
  2. Unstick Yourself: Recoverable Byzantine Fault Tolerant Services
    Improving the recoverability of Byzantine fault tolerant protocols.
    Tran, Tuan and Nawab, Faisal and Alvaro, Peter and Arden, Owen
  3. Applying consensus and replication securely with FLAQR
    A formal language for building application-level consensus and replication protocols that are secure by construction.
    CSF’22   Distinguished paper award
    Mondal, Priyanka and Algehed, Maximilian and Arden, Owen
  4. Payment Channels Under Network Congestion
    Addressing congestion attacks in payment channel networks.
    ICBC’22 (short paper)
    Tran, Tuan and Zheng, Haofan and Alvaro, Peter and Arden, Owen
  5. Total Eclipse of the Enclave: Detecting Eclipse Attacks From Inside TEEs
    Using difficulty monitoring to reliably detect extended eclipse attacks, even when the adversary controls all network connectivity.
    ICBC’21 (short paper)
    Zheng, Haofan and Tran, Tuan and Arden, Owen
  6. Secure Distributed Applications the Decent Way
    A framework for building secure decentralized applications with trusted execution environments and remote attestation.
    Zheng, Haofan and Arden, Owen
  7. AttkFinder: Discovering Attack Vectors in PLC Programs Using Information Flow Analysis
    Using information flow analysis to discover attack vectors in industrial control systems.
    Castellanos, John H. and Ochoa, Martin and Cardenas, Alvaro A. and Arden, Owen and Zhou, Jianying
  8. A Calculus for Flow-Limited Authorization: Expanded Technical Report
    A core programming model that uses flow-limited authorization to provide end-to-end information security to dynamic authorization mechanisms and programs that use them.
    Technical Report   Revised, corrected, and expanded version of CSF’16 paper
    Arden, Owen and Gollamudi, Anitha and Cecchetti, Ethan and Chong, Stephen and Myers, Andrew C

Owen Arden


Ana McTaggart (M.S.)

Tuan Tran (Ph.D., co-advised with Peter Alvaro)

Vaishnavi Sundararajan (postdoc)

Current Projects

Enforcing decentralized confidentiality, integrity, and availability by combining trusted execution environments and smart contracts.

Flow-limited authorization
An expressive new security model that unifies authorization and information flow control for stronger semantic security.

Proximal Byzantine Agreement
Using Bayesian statistics to improve security guarantees in distributed sensor networks.

Previous Projects

A language and runtime for decentralized information flow control in federated applications.

Practical static information flow control for Scala Spark applications.

Information flow control for Java

Resilient consensus protocols using re-configuration.

An extensible Java compiler framework